Published daily by the Lowy Institute

We're looking for more women to write for The Interpreter

We're looking for more women to write for The Interpreter
Published 8 Mar 2016   Follow @SamRoggeveen

International Women's Day is a good opportunity to reiterate a call I put out last year at this time for more female contributors to The Interpreter.

That piece got a lot of reaction, and some terrific pieces came out of it. I hope we can do the same this year, and we're particularly on the look-out for regular contributors, people who will develop a voice and a profile over time in their area of expertise. Writing regularly on this site can help you develop a relationship with an influential readership, and can help you develop your ideas through regular engagement with the public debate and feedback from our readers.

Of course, our standards are high. As I said last year, the perfect Interpreter writer is someone with deep expertise and a journalistic sensibility. So we're looking for women who can write with authority in their area of expertise but who can communicate with a non-expert audience.

As for subject matter, as an Interpreter reader you already know that the site ranges wide — if it has an international dimension, we will consider covering it. So please send your pitches to myself ( and managing editor Emma Connors ( We look forward to hearing from you.

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