Gary Rynhart

Gary Rynhart

Gary Rynhart is the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Senior Specialist on Employers’ Activities for South East Asia. His areas of work include: building policy development capacity in business associations; programs to help the private sector in managing and recovering from crisis and conflict zones; and analytical work on the implications of technological changes on workers, firms and public policy in South East Asia.

He was formerly Senior Employers Specialist for the Arab States, based in Beirut. Previously he was a Senior Employers Specialist at the ILO’s headquarters in Geneva. Prior to joining the ILO, Gary was employed as a Senior Policy Adviser with the International Organisation of Employers (IOE) based in Geneva. This role involved developing and drafting IOE statements to major ILO and other UN meetings such as the UN Social Development Commission; UN Economic and Social Council; major General Assembly debates; and at other fora, such as G8 Employment and Labour Ministers’ meetings. He was IOE Adviser to the UN Secretary-General’s High Level Panel on Youth Employment; the ILO’s World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization; and the World Trade Organization’s Business Advisory Body. He has a B.A. in History and M.A in Political History from University College Dublin (UCD); and a postgraduate business degree from UCD Graduate School of Business.


Technology, disruption and work in ASEAN countries
Technology, disruption and work in ASEAN countries
The well-trodden path to economic success that enabled hundreds of millions of workers to move from farm to factory and then into higher value services jobs may no longer be an…