Genevieve Quirk


Genevieve Quirk BSc (UQ), DULF (UParisIII-Sorbonne), MEnvLaw (ANU), PhD (UOW) is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow on Pacific Maritime Security Coordination at the University of Adelaide. Dr Quirk was a Lecturer and Researcher during her PhD at the Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security. Her PhD in International Law and International Relations explored the making of the Blue Pacific Ocean Continent, focusing on the regional institutional architecture and diplomacy by Pacific States over the past 75 years. Dr Quirk’s co-authored book, journal articles and policy briefings focus on the ecological security of the Indo-Pacific.

Dr Quirk is the co-Managing Editor for the journal Global Environmental Politics, on the editorial board of the journal Marine Policy, an East West Centre Visiting Fellow, Earth System Governance Research Fellow and a member of the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law. In Brussels, Dr Quirk worked as a Policy Advisor on ocean governance reform in the European Union. Previously, she held the position of Lecturer at the University of Paris II (Pantheon-Assas) for three years whilst also consulting to UNESCO. Currently, she is the recipient of the Indo-Pacific Maritime Governance Expanded Network for Innovation and Education (GENIE) fellowship.

“Narco-subs” in the Pacific demonstrates need for effective maritime security cooperation
“Narco-subs” in the Pacific demonstrates need for effective maritime security cooperation
Criminals are always looking for an edge. Listening to what the Pacific needs and coordinating maritime security responses will help blunt the threat.