Nardine Alnemr


Nardine Alnemr is a lecturer in politics and policy in the School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS) and fellow of the Indo-Pacific Research Centre (IPRC) at Murdoch University. Nardine’s work is at the intersection of democracy, participation and technology. Before joining Murdoch, Nardine completed her PhD at the Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance, the University of Canberra on algorithms in deliberative democracy and was a research fellow in tech policy at the University of Western Australia. Nardine’s research is published in the European Political Science Review, Contemporary Political Theory, and Contemporary Politics.


Donald Trump and the “crypto capital of the planet”
Donald Trump and the “crypto capital of the planet”
Bitter experience shows a “global” crisis can result from failures of domestic governance and regulatory oversight in the United States.