Published daily by the Lowy Institute

First leaders' debate

First leaders' debate

The world outside Australia did not intrude much on last evening's Leaders' Debate at the National Press Club. And for Richard Green, who posted his version of our 'In 100 Words' feature (what's the most important international policy issue of the campaign, in 100 words?) on Club Troppo last Friday, that may not matter very much. Does he have a point?:

In a globalised world, or the Asian Century, all issues are both domestic and international.

I believe Australia has done the most good in the world, and can continue to do so, simply by managing itself well, providing an example to learn from. This can range from demonstrating the general virtues of democracy and multiculturalism, to specific policy, like HECS, Australian ballots or water trading.

Foreign policy means nothing except how it improves lives, and summits and speeches have always done less than practicing mundane good management. Australian democracy should continue to lead in Asia by focusing on the latter.