Australian Perspective

Abbott goes to Asia: The security dimension
Prime Minister Abbott poses with the leaders of the Chinese, Japanese and South Korean military efforts searching for MH370 at RAAF Base Pearce. Tony Abbott is about to depart…
Julie Bishop's first six months (and first 43 speeches)
Last week marked Julie Bishop's first six months as foreign minister. When she was sworn in as Australia's 38th minister for foreign affairs on 18 September 2013, she could have…
Abbott sees a more liberal China ahead
Well, all glory is indeed fleeting. Having just given The Interpreter a pat on the back for our Asia coverage, I'm embarrassed to admit that we are late to Prime Minister Abbott…
Migration makes Australia more dynamic
I have been inspired to add my twenty cents worth in favour of well-balanced, strong population growth by the recent contributions of Michael Fullilove and Andrew Leigh who, in…
Left’s deafening silence
Left’s deafening silence
Left’s deafening silenceDr. Michael FulliloveThe Australian 22/03/2014Please click here for the online text.Michael Fullilove
Don't let fear stand in the way of a debate on a larger Australia
Australia's founding governor, Arthur Philip, expected the settlement he led would in time become 'the Empire of the East'. In his important and timely National Press Club…
Deafening silence on rule of law in Nauru
The status of the rule of law in Nauru became even more precarious with the recent resignation of Nauru's Chief Justice, Australian Geoffrey Eames. After two months of seeking to…
Down under? Boxing kangaroos? Australia's outdated self-image
Nick Bryant is the author of the forthcoming book The Rise and Fall of Australia. Australia requires a rhetorical rethink, for the language used to describe itself is…
Russia-Ukraine: The silence of the left
Russia-Ukraine: The silence of the left
One of the striking things about the Australian debate on Crimea is that there hasn't been one. Events in Crimea may have serious consequences for the world order, yet with some…
Abbott must back wide-ranging reform of defence
Abbott must back wide-ranging reform of defence
In this opinion piece in The Australian, Nonresident Fellow Alan Dupont argues that the Australian Defence Force requires significant renewal. Alan Dupont