Published daily by the Lowy Institute

Aid links: an escape from the resource curse, more

Aid and the Thai cave rescue, postcards and rice, and a round-up of stories from the aid and development sector.

Oil worker in Angola (Photo: papagaio-pirata/Flickr)
Oil worker in Angola (Photo: papagaio-pirata/Flickr)
Published 18 Jul 2018   Follow @AlexandreDayant

  • The Thai cave rescue has been a global success story. Jody Lightfoot argues that the rescue is a good example of how Australian aid can change the world. In addition, PM Turnbull will award honours to Australian divers Richard Harris and Craig Challen for playing a key role in the mission.
  • Comparing aid coordination with the Kardashians? This is what Ashlee Betteridge does, in a recent Devpolicy article. Coordination is key but complicated in the aid sector, and aid workers need to communicate better on how things work in the aid world.
  • ODI has published a guide to multilateral development banks (MDBs). The document provides an interesting comparative analysis of MDBs, displaying useful stock-take of the current mandates, structures and instruments of 25 global, regional and sub-regional multilateral development banks.
  • Mahmoud Mohieldin, Senior Vice President for the 2030 Development Agenda of the UN, says that “the world is not on track” to achieve our water goals embedded in SDG6. You can find the SDG 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation here.
  • The Natural Resource Governance Institute has created an online course and game offering the possibility for users to run a fictional country (Petronia) where oil is discovered to see if they can avoid the resource curse.
  • According to Lucia Diaz-Martin, Rachel Glennerster, and Ariella Park, measuring women’s empowerment can be really difficult, mostly due to the lack of proper data. To counter this issue, J-Pal published a practical guide to measuring women’s and girls’ empowerment in impact evaluations.
  • In this article, Jason Beaubien explains how postcards sent to villages in Indonesia improved the distribution of benefits from Raskin, a subsidised rice delivery program held by the World Bank.
  • Annie Kelly reports on the research produced by supply-chain analyst firm Verisk Maplecroft, which predicts that the rise in robot manufacturing will have a knock-on effect that will results not only in lost livelihoods but also in a spike in slavery and labour abuses in brand supply chains in Southeast Asia.