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Aid & development links: UN at 70, malaria, seasonal migration, Turnbull on aid and more

Aid & development links: UN at 70, malaria, seasonal migration, Turnbull on aid and more
Published 21 Sep 2015   Follow @jonathan_pryke

  • The Nepalese Government has yet to receive, let alone make plans to spend, the $4.1 billion in earthquake relief aid pledged to them.
  • It reminds me of the recent scandal of the Red Cross raising half a billion dollars for Haiti relief efforts and building only six homes. You can listen to an excellent podcast of the story here. Clearly disaster relief isn't easy.
  • In more positive news, global malaria deaths have been cut by 60% since 2000, says a new UN report, saving six million lives and proving malaria control to be one of the most effective means of spending foreign aid.
  • Meanwhile, the 2015 global nutrition report links malnourishment to 45% of deaths among children under five and shows us how far we have to go to combat poor diets around the world.
  • Michael Clemens documents for The Huffington Post the huge development success story of seasonal migration in the South Pacific.
  • An excellent visualisation from The Guardian shows how Mozambique was cleared of some 171,000 landmines over two decades.
  • Duncan Green has reviewed a new primer on aid and development. I've already ordered my copy.
  • Turning our attention back home, Australia has a new prime minister with his own opinions on international development, which Robin Davies has masterfully catalogued.
  • The UN turned 70 this month, with The Guardian documenting its rise to becoming a 'bloated, undemocratic – and very expensive' global agency.

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