Two-thirds of the population of Yemen are facing severe food shortages, with the ongoing civil war raising concerns of a potential for widespread famine in the country.
Priti Patel, UK Secretary for International Development, is giving a speech today that is expected to provide a robust defence for Britain’s aid spending, which she herself has criticised in the past.
Laurence Chandy and Brina Seidel at Brookings have recalibrated Gini measures of income inequality for 134 economies to account for missing data and bring about a significant reshuffle in the rankings of country inequality.
Chris Blattman has a letter to Bill Gates on Vox discussing Gates’s latest annual letter and how instead of giving poor people chickens, Gates should be advocating to give them cash.
A new report from Annalisa Prizzon and Andrew Rogerson at Overseas Development Institute provides a case study of Indonesia’s progressive movement away from being an aid recipient this century, and how this phenomenon has changed the country’s relationships with development partners.
Robin Davies takes a look at the profound aid implications of the Trump Administration’s 2018 budget outline. As Davies notes, ‘it won’t get through Congress as is but it gives a good sense of where the battlefields will be.’
The Centre for Global Development hosted an expert panel to debate the budget preview, which is summarised here (video below):
Aid and development links: War in Yemen, inequality rankings, cash transfers and more
The aid implications of Trump's budget, in defence of British aid spending, Indonesia moving away from being an aid recipient, and more.
Published 20 Mar 2017
Follow @jonathan_pryke
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