- Fin Tarp and Sinikka Parviainen discuss the economic benefits of migration and refugees.
- An African doctor is believed to have found anti-Ebola drugs, with an efficiency rate of 90%.
- Zimbabwe’s former finance minister explains the deep roots of the economic crisis in the country at the time of Mugabe, the ongoing cost, and what can be done to solve the issue.
- The Trump administration is about to cancel and cut more aid to the developing world. Jeremy Konyndyk looks at the constitutionality and legality of this move.
- Rachel Strohm collects all scholarship updates for African students and researchers for August 2019.
- David Evans summarises key findings on education, such as how building high schools can reduce teen pregnancy rates, and the impact of parenthood on students’ learning.
Aid links: Ebola drugs, Mugabe’s economic legacy, Trump cuts, more
News stories from across the aid and development sector
Published 22 Aug 2019
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