Fleur Johns

Fleur Johns is Professor in the Faculty of Law at UNSW Sydney working in international law, legal theory and law and technology. She is also an Australian Research Council Future Fellow and, in 2021–22, a Visiting Professor at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. She has published four books and has a forthcoming monograph under contract with Oxford University Press entitled #Help: The Digital Transformation of Humanitarianism and the Future of Global Order.

Fleur has held visiting appointments in Europe, the UK, the US and Canada and currently serves on the editorial board of the American Journal of International Law and the journal Technology and Regulation as well as being an Advisory Editor for the London Review of International Law and the Australian Feminist Law Journal and a member of the Editorial Committee for the Routledge Book Series: Politics of Transnational Law. Fleur is a graduate of Melbourne University (BA, LLB(Hons)) and Harvard University (LLM, SJD; Menzies Scholar; Laylin Prize).

Prior to entering academia, Fleur practised corporate law in New York, specialising in international project finance in Latin America; she remains admitted to practice at the New York Bar. Fleur is a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. Within UNSW she is affiliated with the Allens Hub for Technology, Law and Innovation and is an associate of the Australian Human Rights Institute.

Articles by Fleur Johns (3)