Global Issues

Bring women to the table to talk ocean sustainability
Bring women to the table to talk ocean sustainability
Oceans are essential to global food supplies. And collectively, the G20 nations constitute 45 per cent of the world’s coastlines and 21 per cent of its exclusive economic zones…
Child marriage in Southeast Asia: When a harmful practice becomes an international crime
Child marriage in Southeast Asia: When a harmful practice becomes an international crime
Child marriage is a global problem that cuts across countries, cultures, and religions – and the ASEAN region is no exception. Child marriage is considered a form of forced…
Could BIMSTEC be the answer to the Myanmar question?
Could BIMSTEC be the answer to the Myanmar question?
“BIMSTEC” is one of the many technical and not-quite-pronounceable acronyms that pepper conversation about diplomatic affairs. It stands for the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi…
The deadly consequences of misclassifying foreign fighters in Ukraine
The deadly consequences of misclassifying foreign fighters in Ukraine
The legal classification of an estimated 20,000 foreign fighters from 52 countries participating directly in the Ukraine hostilities is not just a question of semantics…
Does democracy still matter in the ‘New Cold War’ between the US and China?
Does democracy still matter in the ‘New Cold War’ between the US and China?
Robin Niblett, a former director of British think tank Chatham House, has published a new book that has received high praise from notables such as Hillary Clinton, Kevin Rudd and…
Rising tensions over outer space – a new diplomatic hot zone
Rising tensions over outer space – a new diplomatic hot zone
At the NATO Summit in Washington last week, leaders noted the rising threats in space. The technology orbiting the Earth is critical to the digital world and underpins both…
The uncertain future for Southeast Asia’s great sea nomads
The uncertain future for Southeast Asia’s great sea nomads
For the past 4,000 years, the Moken people, a Southeast Asian seafaring group, have travelled between Thailand and Myanmar, spending most of their time on boats known as kabang,…
Japan’s 5G ambitions with the Quad
Japan’s 5G ambitions with the Quad
Japan appears to be using the Quad to pursue its ambitions to promote domestic 5G network players.5G, or “advanced telecommunications” and “critical and emerging technology” in…
Byte-sized diplomacy: Privacy is alive and clicking
Byte-sized diplomacy: Privacy is alive and clicking
Got a big question on technology and security for “Byte-sized Diplomacy”. Send it through here.Question: Is it possible to protect privacy in a world of networks and surveillance…
Time to jumpstart Australia-India clean energy cooperation
Time to jumpstart Australia-India clean energy cooperation
Australia and India are already working together to advance their clean energy ambitions, but not on the scale that the relationship finds itself in other spheres.Serious efforts…