Angela Lehmann


Dr Angela Lehmann is a sociologist in the international higher education sector. She is the Chair of the Foundation for Australian Studies in China (FASIC) and sits on the Advisory Board for the Australia China Relations Institute at UTS. Angela has spent several years researching and teaching in a mainland Chinese university and has written two books about migration into China. She holds honorary positions at both The College of Arts and Social Sciences at the Australian National University and at the Department of Sociology and Social Work, The University of Xiamen, China. Angela is Principal Consultant APAC at QS Quacquarelli Symonds.

As traditional “Anglo” international education destinations falter, Asia-Pacific countries look closer to home
As traditional “Anglo” international education destinations falter, Asia-Pacific countries look closer to home
Chinese students are largely driving the surge in international students choosing universities across the region.
China-Australia: Smartening up people-to-people links
China-Australia: Smartening up people-to-people links
Universities play an essential role in everyday diplomacy, fostering a genuine affection between the two countries.
Found in translation: Australia and China’s shared history
Found in translation: Australia and China’s shared history
A memoir on collective historical baggage has much to teach about the evolution and maturation of both nations.
Under pressure: Chinese international graduates in a new China
Under pressure: Chinese international graduates in a new China
Uncertainly about Covid, high unemployment rates and shifting workforce expectations challenge China’s youth in 2022.
Closed borders: The unequal waiting game
Closed borders: The unequal waiting game
Old notions about international mobility will need to be revised, especially for students travelling abroad.
Filling the gap: How Australia is creating its own “China problem”
Filling the gap: How Australia is creating its own “China problem”
The current geopolitical to-ing and fro-ing must not obscure the need to understand Chinese language and culture.
What we have lost: International education and public diplomacy
What we have lost: International education and public diplomacy
Entangling universities with geopolitics can mean a bad student experience has a far broader cost.