Bal Kama
Dr Bal Kama is a practicing lawyer and academic. He has a Bachelor of Arts (Politics/International Relations) and a Bachelor of Law (Honours) from the University of Canberra, a Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice from the Sydney College of Law and a PhD in law from the Australia National University College of Law. His PhD thesis on the relationship between the arms of government under the Papua New Guinea Constitution was awarded the 2020 Hank Nelson Prize for the best PhD thesis internationally on PNG. Specialising in public law and governance, his views on Pacific affairs have appeared in leading forums and media platforms.

For all Marape’s achievements in PNG, the biggest challenges await
Unity and bipartisanship will be tested by a raft of growing health, social, economic and foreign policy challenges.

PNG: Booting Exxon gives Marape a boost – for now
The rejection of the P’nyang LNG deal signals a new way of doing business, and a shifting landscape for US concerns.

When police try to arrest the Prime Minister
The legal saga over an arrest warrant for PNG’s Peter O’Neill has reached an ‘end’, but questions still remain.
Papua New Guinea: Seven snapshots of a nation
The Lowy Institute has produced seven papers assessing the contemporary challenges facing Papua New Guinea in 2017.
Bal Kama , Jenny Hayward-Jones , Paul Barker , Jonathan…

The democratic project under review in PNG elections
Will the O’Neill government ‘be remembered by the people of Papua New Guinea as the most decisive, action packed, transparent and accountable Government the nation has ever had’…