Bec Strating

Dr Bec Strating is Director of La Trobe Asia and Associate Professor of Politics and International Relations at La Trobe University, focusing primarily on maritime disputes and Australian foreign policy.

A jurisdiction over the high seas
Australia will be a key player in the new agreement governing the globe’s largest natural habitat.

The Fix: Beauty and bravery
In this new Interpreter feature, we’re inviting short observations about issues or resources that might otherwise be missed.

Australia’s future security: Where the Defence Strategic Review falls short
An integrated National Security Strategy could consider all the tools of statecraft rather than a defensive mindset.

China’s nine-dash line proves stranger than fiction
How Beijing’s claims to the South China Sea have crept imperceptibly into global popular culture.

Joining the “Barty party” in foreign and defence policy
If Australia wants a role model for how to present itself to the world, the tennis champ embodies humility and grit.

How can Australia reset relations with China?
Two past PMs offer their perspective on a diplomatic breakdown and how to put the pieces back together.

Troubled waters? Australia-Indonesia maritime boundary in the news
It would not be a good example for the region should Canberra and Jakarta be unable to resolve “technical amendments”.

Favourites of 2020: The politics of Tiger King
An absurd insight? Dishonesty, narcissism and the celebritisation of politics do sound awfully familiar.

Australia lays down the law in the South China Sea dispute
Canberra rejects the PRC’s “historic rights” claim to contested waters but now faces the test of what to do about it.