Elliott Zaagman

Elliott Zaagman is a writer, speaker, and executive coach who focuses on how China and its organisations engage the world. He is a regular contributor to Tech in Asia, and his work can also be found in the Jamestown Foundation China Brief, SupChina and Technode, among others. His writing can also be read in Chinese at Huxiu.com.

Just how serious is Xi about climate change?
China should have much to gain from a decarbonising global economy yet displays a confusing ambivalence to the question.

Is China’s “age of ambition” over?
Xi Jinping tempers the expectations and aspirations of the country’s next generation.

China puts its golden goose on notice
Beijing’s recent crackdown on tech and tutoring giants points to a grand scheme of state re-building.

China’s numbers game harms us all
As Beijing attempts to tackle some shared world problems, its opaque regime means the benefits are limited.

A rare test of China diplomacy
Australia and New Zealand provide a case for whether it pays to be nice – or if it’s simply not worth bothering.

China’s Twitter trolls make bid for vacant Trump property
“Own the libs” obnoxiousness failed, but China’s social media diplomats haven’t all got the memo.

Where in the world is Jack Ma?
Explaining the “disappearance” of China’s most charismatic businessman takes an appreciation of Xi Jinping Thought.

Biden’s clean energy plan versus China’s green tech dominance
The US might be able to construct a clean-energy supply chain without relying on China, but it won’t be easy.

Cyber sovereignty cuts both ways
China’s barricades against foreign tech helped its companies grow massive. Now they’re being blocked in other markets.