Feride İnan

Feride İnan is a Research Associate at TEPAV, the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey. She has written on female labour participation in Turkey, investment policy, and how the G20 can promote cooperation between emerging and advanced economies. Feride holds a BSc in Economics from Columbia University (2005) and an MA in International Development from the University of Amsterdam.
G20 Monitor: G20 outreach to society in 2015
G20 engagement group representatives from Business (B20), Civil Society (C20), Labour (L20), Think Tanks (T20), Women (W20), and Youth (Y20) have contributed to the 18th issue of…
G20 Monitor: From Turkey to China - What lies ahead for the G20 in 2016?
The 17th issue of the G20 Monitor examines the progress made by the 2015 Turkish G20 Presidency and explores potential priority areas for the 2016 Chinese Presidency.
Photo: …