Greg Earl


Greg Earl was the deputy editor, opinion editor, national affairs editor and Asia Pacific editor of The Australian Financial Review. He spent more than a decade as reporter based in Jakarta, Tokyo and New York. He is a member of the Australia ASEAN Council board and the ANU Indonesia Project advisory board. He is researching a book about Australia and Asia.


Economic diplomacy: Looking beyond a 30-year anomaly
Economic diplomacy: Looking beyond a 30-year anomaly
Divining economic statecraft is animating international relations roundtables but unnerving the money managers.
Economic diplomacy: Ringfencing the Lucky Country
Economic diplomacy: Ringfencing the Lucky Country
Some key Australian economic figures are embracing the new economics of national resilience in distinctive ways.
Economic diplomacy: Budgeting for deglobalisation
Economic diplomacy: Budgeting for deglobalisation
Keeping up with the worldwide shift to industry policy is stretching boundaries of both economics and diplomacy.
Economic diplomacy: It’s nostalgists vs strategists
Economic diplomacy: It’s nostalgists vs strategists
As a new Treasurer claims a geo-economic legacy in industrial policy, his predecessor’s once shiny G20 triumph has been dumped.
Economic diplomacy: Made in Australia with new energy
Economic diplomacy: Made in Australia with new energy
The government wants to manufacture an election winning industry policy that also sounds tough on various foreign partners.
Economic diplomacy: Hanging on in ASEAN
Economic diplomacy: Hanging on in ASEAN
Australia faces growing competition for influence among its old friends in Southeast Asia as China’s power rises.
Economic diplomacy: Politics rules in Korean envoy row
Economic diplomacy: Politics rules in Korean envoy row
From Seoul to Washington, “captain’s pick” ambassadors are being embroiled by unexpected domestic political tensions.
Economic diplomacy: Australia Inc’s new tilt at ASEAN
Economic diplomacy: Australia Inc’s new tilt at ASEAN
The economic prospects have been clear for decades, but the government is now throwing serious money at Southeast Asia.
Economic diplomacy: Strategic funding comes in from the cold
Economic diplomacy: Strategic funding comes in from the cold
A new review may cast a revealing light on how the government uses third-party institutions to shape the country’s strategic thinking.