Jon Fraenkel

Jon Fraenkel is a Professor in Comparative Politics in the School of History, Philosophy, Political Science and International Relations at Victoria University of Wellington. He formerly worked at the Australian National University (2007-12) and the University of the South Pacific in Fiji (1995-2007). He is author of The Manipulation of Custom; from uprising to intervention in the Solomon Islands and co-editor of The 2006 Military Takeover in Fiji; A coup to end all coups? He is the Pacific Islands correspondent for The Economist.

Fiji: Positioning and posturing on politicians pay
Drawing on past experience and that of neighbouring countries, MPs and ministers should not be determining their own salaries.

Solomon Islands: Unexpected defeat for Sogavare
Sogavare was tipped for a sweeping victory but suffered a major defeat. Now Solomon Islands politicians must form a new government, and keep the peace.

Another independence referendum looms in New Caledonia
The Covid-19 crisis has been a major controversy, but almost every issue is divided on pro- and anti-independence lines.

The state of the Pacific as the 2019 Forum convenes
This year’s gathering will hear new, old, and recycled ideas, but the ones that make a difference may not make the news.

NZ and Australia: Big Brothers or Distant Cousins?
New Zealand needs to stamp an identity on its new Pacific policy.

The death of the median voter
When elections or referenda are decided by the emergence of those who do not habitually vote, many of the assumptions of the median voter theory go out of the window.