Kerry Brown

Kerry Brown is Professor of Chinese Studies and Director of the Lau China Institute at King's College, London and Associate Fellow at the Asia Pacific Programme at Chatham House, He is the author of more than 15 books on contemporary China, the most recent of which is Xi: A Study in Power (Icon, 2022).

War represents a failure of diplomacy. It pays to read past page one.
I hope Ukraine’s ambassador enjoyed reading my book in the Security Council. Here’s the message I wanted to send.

Huawei reaches into Britain
A British minister’s harsh career lesson might also expose the Western mindset of perpetual technological superiority.

Xi Jinping in 2018: Any closer to the truth?
Are we misinterpreting this figure and seeing a mirage of great power rather than the real thing?

Trump in China: Game, set, and possibly match to Beijing
The Chinese delivered a masterful display of pure spectacle, ego flattery, and diplomatic theatre.

Big job ahead for China’s new envoy to North Korea
Kong Xuanyou will have to have a thick skin because he is dealing with some of the world’s most prodigiously talented producers of invective.

Hong Kong 20 years after the handover: Locked in stasis
Never has the hand of the Beijing state apparatus been more visible in the city.

The Xi-Trump Summit: Rearranging the furniture
Any progress in terms of trade and investment flows will be incremental, and probably unaffected by politicians posturing.