Lachlan Campbell

Lachlan Campbell is the Australian Head Delegate to the Youth 20 (Y20) Summit 2015. He is currently in his final semester of a combined Bachelor of Laws and Economics at the University of Queensland. During his studies, Lachlan has worked predominately in public policy roles, including with the Australian Department of Treasury, the Strategy and Policy section at Nous Group, and the Economics, Infrastructure, and Policy team at KPMG. He also has experience in the legal sector as a clerk with Linklaters in London. Lachlan has a keen interest in education and international development and is currently conducting research on food security as a Global Voices national scholar.
G20 Monitor: G20 outreach to society in 2015
G20 engagement group representatives from Business (B20), Civil Society (C20), Labour (L20), Think Tanks (T20), Women (W20), and Youth (Y20) have contributed to the 18th issue of…