Madeleine Nyst

Madeleine is a former Research Associate at the Lowy Institute working on a project examining the rules-based global order and its implications for Australian security and defence. Madeleine's background is in security studies focusing on religious extremism, counter terrorism, gender studies and women, peace and security. She holds a BA in History and Asian Studies from the University of Queensland and an MSc in Middle Eastern Politics from the School of Oriental and African Studies where she focused on counter terrorism, gender and Islamic extremism. Madeleine has worked with a global risk consultancy, and in research, communications and event management at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute where she also ran the ASPI Women in Defence and Security Network (WDSN), aiming to enhance the professional skills and networking opportunities of women in the defence and security industry. She has also worked in government communications and public relations in London, and as a researcher for the Institute for Islamic Strategic Affairs in its jihadism program.