Marcus Colla

Marcus Colla is Mark Kaplanoff Research Fellow in History at Pembroke College, University of Cambridge. His research focuses on the history of modern Germany and Eastern Europe.

The claustrophobia of German politics
With the three-party governing coalition in tatters, this is politics in panic mode.

The God in the rubble
Germany’s struggle with morality is not only a concern of history but an animating factor in contemporary politics.

The powerlessness of the powerful
Geert Wilders’ victory might be a sign Europe’s populists are a far more diverse and supple group than their critics are willing to recognise.

Tales from the magic circle
A new book explores how post-war Europe’s waves of counterculture and activism transformed the notion of revolution.

Left behind: Sahra Wagenknecht’s new populism
Germany’s forgotten voters are finding voice in anti-mainstream parties that defy classical definitions of “left” or “right”.

Friedrich Merz and the fall of the “Berlin firewall”
To remain mainstream, Germany’s centre-right has employed all manner of tactics. Will it resort to cooperation with the populist far-right?

A new solidarity? Olaf Scholz on the future of Europe
Acknowledging the continent’s centre is “moving eastwards” marked the German chancellor’s address as visionary, of sorts.

Mikhail Gorbachev: The last revolutionary
Ambitious Soviet reformer whose political career was defined by “perestroika”.

Six months of war in Ukraine: Europe’s life and fate
Emotions have inevitably subsided but support for Ukraine remains resolute – enough to dismay Putin-loving populists.