Natasha Turia
Natasha Turia is a PhD candidate at the Australian National University. Natasha’s research explores the extent of decentralised recruitment in unlocking Papua New Guinea’s true labour mobility aspirations with the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility and Recognised Seasonal Employers schemes.
Natasha has been involved in the implementation and review of PNG’s decentralised recruitment process since the reforms were introduced in 2019 and continues to engage with multilateral stakeholders. She has a Master of International Relations (Monash University, 2011) and supported labour mobility projects with sub-national level governments, World Bank and the Labour Mobility Partnerships.
Pacific Engagement Visas: New developments but quotas unknown
Australia’s highly competitive new visa lottery has much leg work to do to make fair allocations between countries.
Practical steps to alleviate Papua New Guinea’s unemployment crisis
A good start is workable systems to ensure paperwork can be completed in a timely fashion.
Bracing for 3000 Pacific Engagement Visas
Australia’s new permanent resident scheme must prioritise the people of the Blue Pacific who will be most impacted.
Reflections on the 29th Australia-Papua New Guinea Ministerial Forum
More action led outputs needed.
Answers needed on the Pacific Engagement Visa
Beyond practicalities, it’s unclear whether this is a genuine “Pacific family” partnership or geopolitical convenience?