Zack Cooper
Zack Cooper is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, where he studies US strategy in Asia. Dr Cooper also co-directs the Alliance for Securing Democracy and teaches at Georgetown and Princeton Universities. In addition, he is an associate with Armitage International and co-host of the Net Assessment podcast for War on the Rocks. He previously served on staff at the Pentagon and White House, as well as at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. Dr Cooper received a PhD, MA, and MPA from Princeton University and a BA from Stanford University. He is writing a book on the rise and fall of great militaries.

In defence of AUKUS
This is not only about nuclear-powered submarines; it is about a strengthened US commitment to Australia.

Back to the future: Will Biden’s Asia policy come full circle?
Hopes might be high for a new US administration. But polls show views on regional challenges have changed markedly, too.