Reports from a Turbulent Decade
Throughout a decade of remarkable change and upheaval, the Lowy Institute has discussed, dissected and analysed the big issues shaping global politics, and provided fresh policy ideas for Australian decision-makers.
Ranked as Australia's leading think tank, the Lowy Institute provides high-quality research and distinctive perspectives on the trends affecting Australia and the world. This anthology features some of the best and most insightful papers, speeches and op-eds from the Lowy Institute's first decade. Included here are works by Lowy Institute researchers, Australian prime ministers and leading international scholars on diverse topics – from America's 'Seinfeld' strategy in Iraq, to building trust with China and Australia's place in the world.
Reports from a Turbulent Decade is available to purchase from all good bookstores ($29.99) and online. An e-book version ($19.99) is also available. The Lowy Institute's Bligh Street headquarters has a limited number of copies available for purchase at our reception.

Executive Summary
Reports from a Turbulent Decade available from all good book stores and online.
Foreword Frank Lowy, AC | ix |
Introduction Michael Fullilove and Anthony Bubalo | xi |
Acknowledgements | xvii |
Australia and the World | 1 |
Wasting our time up a diplomatic dead end Allan Gyngell | 3 |
Australia in the world John Howard | 7 |
Howard’s decade: an Australian foreign policy reappraisal Paul Kelly | 12 |
Let’s show the world what we’re made of Allan Gyngell | 21 |
Problems to partnership: a plan for Australia–India strategic ties Rory Medcalf | 24 |
Troops should be kept in Middle East Rodger Shanahan | 33 |
Diplomatic disrepair: rebuilding Australia’s diplomatic infrastructure Alex Oliver and Andrew Shearer | 36 |
Sceptics may scoff, but building trust with China is crucial Linda Jakobson | 42 |
The 2012 Vernon Parker Oration Michael Wesley | 45 |
History asks great nations great questions Julia Gillard | 56 |
Consular conundrum: the rising demands and diminishing means for assisting Australians overseas Alex Oliver | 65 |
The Lowy Institute Poll on Australia and the world: public opinion and foreign policy Fergus Hanson and Alex Oliver | 72 |
Beyond States | 81 |
Parallel worlds Allan Gyngell | 83 |
Heating up the planet: climate change and security Alan Dupont and Graeme Pearman | 92 |
The end of the Vasco da Gama era Coral Bell | 97 |
Relations among nations on a finite planet Bob May | 102 |
World wide webs: diasporas and the international system Michael Fullilove | 110 |
Australia, the region and the world: the challenges ahead Kevin Rudd | 120 |
Mekong: river under threat Milton Osborne | 124 |
Changing Asia | 129 |
India: the next economic giant Mark Thirlwell | 131 |
Regional tensions awaken Alan Dupont | 137 |
A focused force: Australia’s defence priorities in the Asian century Hugh White | 140 |
Asia reconnected Malcolm Cook and Anthony Bubalo | 147 |
Behold the Asian age Michael Wesley | 151 |
Indo-Pacific: what’s in a name? Rory Medcalf | 154 |
China’s foreign policy dilemma Linda Jakobson | 157 |
Australia’s Near Neighbours | 163 |
Indonesia must break with past Stephen Grenville | 165 |
The big clumsy Panda in the Pacific Fergus Hanson | 170 |
Policy overboard: Australia’s increasingly costly Fiji drift Jenny Hayward-Jones | 173 |
Freedom of speech in Fiji Jenny Hayward-Jones | 177 |
Put zest back in our PNG affairs Annmaree O’Keeffe | 181 |
Digital islands: how the Pacific’s ICT revolution is transforming the region Danielle Cave | 184 |
Staying the executioners’ guns? Dave McRae | 189 |
Reflections on America | 195 |
In praise of hypocrisy: the role of ‘values’ in foreign policy James Fallows | 197 |
After Iraq Owen Harries | 207 |
America’s ‘Seinfeld ’ strategy in Iraq Michael Fullilove | 214 |
Obama ought to take up cricket Michael Fullilove | 217 |
Dear Mr President, we beg to differ over the future of Asia Hugh White | 220 |
Revolution @State: the spread of ediplomacy Fergus Hanson | 224 |
The audacity of reasonableness: Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, US foreign policy and Australia Michael Fullilove | 230 |
It’s the Economy, Stupid | 237 |
Sovereign remedies for the modern monarchist Mark Thirlwell | 239 |
Quest for a sensible climate policy Warwick McKibbin | 242 |
Global macroeconomic consequences of pandemic influenza Warwick McKibbin and Alexandra Sidorenko | 244 |
Geeing up the G20 Mark Thirlwell and Malcolm Cook | 247 |
The Euro: chronicle of a death foretold? Mark Thirlwell | 254 |
Bankers hold Europe to ransom Stephen Grenville | 256 |
Relaunching the G20 Mike Callaghan | 259 |
War, Peace and Revolution | 267 |
Anzac, our achilles heel? Hugh White | 269 |
Lawrence of Arabia is out of place in Iraq Anthony Bubalo | 272 |
Australia’s role in China’s naval expansion Sam Roggeveen | 275 |
Obama legacy must rewrite the terms of success Sam Roggeveen | 278 |
One reason you shouldn’t go to Afghanistan with a beard Anthony Bubalo and Susanne Schmeidl | 281 |
Power and choice: Asian security futures Malcolm Cook, Raoul Heinrichs, Rory Medcalf and Andrew Shearer | 284 |
On the 11th, remember the living James Brown | 290 |
Two Afghan views of Australia from Uruzgan Omaid Khpalwak | 294 |
Choice between kings and countries Rodger Shanahan | 302 |
Notes | 305 |
Contributor biographies | 325 |