There's method to Islamic State's pure madness
There's method to Islamic State's pure madness
Rodger Shanahan
Sydney Morning Herald
5 February 2015
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Executive Summary
The horrific video that allegedly showed the burning alive of the Jordanian fighter pilot Lieutenant Moaz al-Kasasbeh by Islamic State is yet another reminder of how barbaric they are and how bereft of humanity their ideology is. But what has set this death apart from the other executions of Western hostages who have also been killed and their deaths recorded and displayed on social media has been the manner in which it was carried out.
The burning death was not an end in itself, but rather part of a broader narrative that was meant to put the burning into some form of warped Islamic context. He is shown confessing to taking part in bombing missions, then walking through a devastated urban area allegedly targeted by coalition airstrikes, with pictures of people trapped under rubble and killed interspersed throughout. He himself is trapped in a cage as he is burnt and then his body covered with rubble and crushed by a heavy vehicle.
The symbology is meant to give Islamic legal justification for the horrific death. The notion of qisas or equality in terms of retribution, is a tenet of Islamic law. It emerged out of pre-Islamic Arabian custom when the death of a notable tribal identity would have to be revenged through the death of several other less notable people. If all people were equal in God's eyes, then the retribution or punishment for killing an individual should only apply to one person, regardless of the victim's rank. In very rough common language it can be equated to the concept of an eye for an eye.
Islamic State has invoked the concept of qisas in choosing the method of execution of the Jordanian pilot. Just as coalition planes have bombed Islamic State territory and burned and crushed people within rooms inside buildings, so Islamic State has sought to do the same to the pilot. Hence the use of the cage and the building-material coup de grace.
This latest video is another way in which Islamic State has tried to establish itself as representative of an even more classically focused Islamist organisation than al-Qaeda and its affiliates. Both use the symbolism of the orange jump suit to dress its victims in to take revenge for the humiliation of Muslims in Guantanamo Bay. The beheadings hark back to the early days of Islam and the execution of the perfidious Jewish al-Qurayzah tribe of Medina after they allied with the ultimately unsuccessful Meccans in the Battle of the Ditch.
Islamic State has declared itself in control of a khilafa, with its leader the khalif; actions not taken by the more Islamically circumspect al-Qaeda. And whereas al-Qaeda's English-language magazine is entitled Inspire, Islamic State's goes under the name Dabiq in reference to the town in northern Syria that they have captured and that some Islamic sources predict will be the scene of the defeat of the army of Byzantine Rome (seen as the United States) as a precursor to the Day of Judgment.
The actions of Islamic State are pure madness, but there is method to their madness. They seek to Islamicise their actions, regardless of how repugnant they may be. Salafists by definition seek to reach back to the purity of the earliest days of Islam and to rid society of the unjustified accretions of centuries of modernity. It is a Sisyphean task of course, and given their loss of momentum, limited resources and the forces arrayed against them they will eventually go the way of those religious or secular movements before them who tried to hold back the forces of modernity. The only question is how many more people will die before then.
Associate Professor Rodger Shanahan is a research fellow at the Lowy Institute and a lecturer at the National Security College, ANU.