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Israel's military operations will deal a huge blow to Hamas. But is it even possible to completely destroy them?
Originally published in ABC News, 7 November 2023.

Protests alone not enough to force out Iranian mullahs
Originally published in The Australian.

Australia in the Middle East: Enduring risks, interests, and opportunities
Despite ending its 20-year military operations in the Middle East, Australia’s equities in the region are now more substantial than ever.

High Court ruling on Delil Alexander puts citizenship front and centre of Islamic State debate
Originally published in The Australian.

Did 9/11 change our world?
We asked six experts, “Did 9/11 define our world? If so, how? If not, what did?” After each of their responses to these questions, editor Lydia Khalil challenges the experts…

The Director’s Chair: Julia Gillard on the US and China, Afghanistan, Covid, and leaders she admires
In this episode of The Director’s Chair, Michael Fullilove speaks with Julia Gillard, Australia’s 27th Prime Minister.

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