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Lowy Institute Poll 2024
20th edition of the Lowy Institute Poll - the longest-running and broadest survey of how Australians see the world.

Multiculturalism, Identity and Influence Project 2020–2023 Summary
The Lowy Institute’s Multiculturalism, Identity and Influence Project (2020–2023), funded by the Department of Home Affairs, comprised three nationally representative surveys of…

Lowy Institute Poll 2023
In this its nineteenth year, the Lowy Institute Poll charts how Australians see the world, including relations with major powers, the threats facing the nation, and the risk of…

Chinese-Australian shouldn’t be limited to tick-box of citizenship
A commentary first published in the The Australian on 9 May 2023.

2023 Being Chinese in Australia Poll
The third Being Chinese in Australia: Public opinion in Chinese communities survey conducted by the Lowy Institute’s Multiculturalism, Identity and Influence Project asks how…

Lowy Institute Poll 2022
In this its eighteenth year, the Lowy Institute Poll continues to chart how Australians feel about the world and its challenges, including Russia, China and climate change.

Conversations: Australian Attitudes To The World
Lowy Institute Director of Research Hervé Lemahieu talks to the Institute’s head of polling, Natasha Kassam, about the 2022 Lowy Institute Poll and what Australians think about…

Lowy Institute Poll 2022
In this its eighteenth year, the Lowy Institute Poll continues to chart how Australians feel about the world and its challenges, including Russia, China and climate change.

Being Chinese in Australia Poll
The release of the second annual Being Chinese in Australia: Public Opinion in Chinese Communities survey conducted by the Lowy Institute’s Multiculturalism, Identity and…

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