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Managing economic risk in Asia: A strategy for Australia
Managing economic risk in Asia: A strategy for Australia
Australia can use its economic diplomacy to manage economic risks in the region, and should engage with the International Monetary Fund and regional partners to close gaps in…
A Global Compact on Refugees: The role of Australia
A Global Compact on Refugees: The role of Australia
Australia has a vested interest and particular experience and expertise to contribute to the Global Compact on Refugees in order to institute a more effective and equitable…
Thailand’s triple threat
Thailand’s triple threat
Thailand’s status as a relatively stable and predictable partner, in both business and geopolitical terms, is now imperilled (Photo: Getty Images/Borja Sanchez Trillo) …
Can Russia afford to be a great power?
Can Russia afford to be a great power?
While Russia wants to be recognised as a great power, and has sufficient economic power and potential to encourage it to behave accordingly, there are economic limits to its…
Resource nationalism in post-boom Indonesia: The new normal?
Resource nationalism in post-boom Indonesia: The new normal?
Most observers expected resource nationalism in Indonesia to fade once the global commodity boom ended. Yet despite more difficult economic circumstances, Indonesia’s government…
Indonesia di Laut Cina Selatan: Berjalan sendiri
Indonesia di Laut Cina Selatan: Berjalan sendiri
Selagi Indonesia di bawah pimpinan Jokowi dapat diharapkan terus mengambil langkah unilateral untuk memperkuat posisi Indonesia di sekitar Kepulauan Natuna, Jokowi belum memainkan…
Understanding China’s Belt and Road Initiative
Understanding China’s Belt and Road Initiative
China’s Belt and Road Initiative is one of President Xi’s most ambitious foreign and economic initiatives. It reflects a combination of economic and strategic drivers, not all of…
Future proofing Australia–New Zealand defence relations
Future proofing Australia–New Zealand defence relations
Australia and New Zealand are developing maritime capabilities to uphold the rules-based system. Regional uncertainty will intensify their defence cooperation, but trans-Tasman…
The development benefits of expanding Pacific access to Australia’s labour market
The development benefits of expanding Pacific access to Australia’s labour market
The long-term development prospects for the Pacific are bleak, yet it is an integral region for Australia’s strategic and development interests. One proposal that has the…