Published daily by the Lowy Institute

Aid & development links: African manufacturing, transforming girls’ futures and more

Erin Harris, Research Associate with the Lowy Institute's Public Opinion and Diplomacy Program, with links on aid and development.

Photo: Asian Development Bank (flickr)
Photo: Asian Development Bank (flickr)
Published 23 Oct 2017   Follow @ErinHarrisAU

  • UNFPA this week released its flagship State of the World Population 2017 report, focussing on reproductive health and human rights in an age of inequality, emphasising how inequalities can be amplified by gender.
  • Australia’s election to the UN Human Rights Council prompted a lot of response, with both The Conversation and The Guardian arguing that with this election Australia faces a challenge to improve its domestic human rights record.
  • At the Center for Global Development, a new working paper uses cost comparisons to investigate the possibility of Africa becoming a global manufacturing destination. Vijaya Ramachandran discusses the findings of the paper in this podcast.
  • In a new publication from the Overseas Development Institute, Katie Peters looks at the barriers towards implementing Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) policies in Fragile or Conflict Afflicted Contexts (FCAC). There is also an associated infographic showing the scale of recent disasters in FCAC countries and associated DRR funding shortages.
  • Also at the Overseas Development Institute, a 3-part podcast explores 4 years of ODI research on the lives of girls in developing countries.
  • Steven Beck, at the Asian Development Blog, writes on the challenges facing blockchain financial technology living up to its potential, and outlines how these challenges might be overcome.