6 Feb 2020 Chart of the week: Trust in China The Interpreter Public attitudes towards China and its leadership have shifted over the years. Coronavirus could push the trend further.
5 Dec 2019 Chart of the week: Data, data, everywhere The Interpreter Any day, every day, we leave an electronic trail. How much, you ask? Look and see.
28 Nov 2019 Chart of the week: Where countries lie abroad Bonnie Bley Changes in the number of diplomatic posts tell a story about priorities and challenges for a country’s foreign policy.
21 Nov 2019 Chart of the week: The climate cost Natasha Kassam Polls suggest a majority of Australians want action on global warming, even at a cost – but politics tells us otherwise.
14 Nov 2019 Chart of the week: Australia’s “fear and greed” with China Richard McGregor In just two decades, Australia’s relationship with China has evolved dramatically, illustrated by exports.
7 Nov 2019 Chart of the week: Trump and the US-Australia alliance Natasha Kassam Most Australians say the alliance makes us safer, but also makes Australia more likely to be drawn into a war in Asia.
31 Oct 2019 Chart of the week: Australian versus Chinese aid in the Pacific Jonathan Pryke , Alexandre Dayant By the numbers, while China promises a lot to the region, it actually delivers far less.