- To bolster maritime special operations capacity, the US is developing a menagerie of 'motherships', including this converted 633-foot converted cargo ship.
- Bolstered by domestic demand, Russia's defence industry sales were up 28% in 2012.
- Robert Farley defends one parallel between current tension in Asia and the lead up to World War I: the lack of recent experience of modern warfare among potential participants.
- The Lawfare blog has produced a catalogue of all the revelations made by NSA leaker Edward Snowden.
- Between panglossian assessments of technological hegemony and warnings of apocalyptic declines in defence capabilities, what is the true state of US military power in 2014?
- Dmitri Trenin of Carnegie's Moscow Centre provides some choice quotes and exchanges in the wake of the 50th anniversary Munich Security Conference.
- CSIS's Anthony Cordesman explores the fissures in security perceptions and strategic interests across the Middle East.
- Finally, as part of the Harvard Kennedy School's oral history project, Thomas Schelling talks game theory, government service, and his influence on Stanley Kubrick's classic Dr Strangelove.