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G20 links: Quantitative easing, bank stress tests, growth agenda, AIIB and more

G20 links: Quantitative easing, bank stress tests, growth agenda, AIIB and more
Published 31 Oct 2014   Follow Tris_Sainsbury

  • The economic backdrop of G20 discussions at the Brisbane summit continues to present mixed signals. On the one hand, the US Federal Open Market Committee announced that it is winding up its third round of quantitative easing stimulus this month, given the substantial improvements in the labour market and sufficient underlying strength in the broader economy. On the other, recent Eurozone-wide bank stress tests found that 25 banks need to raise additional capital and showed that the European banking system is still yet to be mended.
  • The Eurozone bank stress test results have led some commentators, including economist Martin Wolf, to question whether capital in Eurozone institutions is enough to drive the economy forward. 
  • The Lowy Institute's G20 Studies Centre released its latest G20 Monitor, which provides a guide to the issues that members will have to tackle to achieve the G20's 2% growth target.
  • In a ceremony held in Beijing on 24 October, 21 countries formally signed a memorandum of understanding to establish the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the newest part of the international economic architecture. 
  • This week the Lowy Institute hosted public forums in Sydney and Brisbane on what to expect from the G20 Brisbane Summit, involving some of the world's leading experts on international economic issues and the G20.