The 2016 US Presidential Election

Time for Rubio to cut a deal with Trump
Marco Rubio should drop out of the White House race and become Donald Trump’s vice presidential nominee. Rubio devotees; hear me out. First, some facts: Every Republican…
Bloomberg: Will he, won't he?
On the eve of the New Hampshire primary Michael Bloomberg has confirmed he is considering a run for the White House this year. The billionaire's interview with the Financial Times…
After Iowa: Trump down, but still the likely nominee
Results are now in for the first primary: Cruz for the Republicans, Clinton for the Democrats. What does this mean for the US presidential election 2016? For Republicans the Iowa…
Sanders: 'Unslick in a really slick way'
Who'd have thunk it? A 74-year-old who wants to raise taxes, describes the US economy as rigged, hates kissing babies, is pro-choice, and in favour of gay marriage, has just…
The Iowa caucus: Become an expert
This rather splendid (and splendidly brief) video from Vox is a gift to US politics junkies. With the Iowa Caucus date of Feb 1  closing in, it's worth a watch if you want to…
Why Trump is going to be the Republican nominee
Trump is going to win the Republican nomination. The GOP establishment and some (but not all) of the punditry class have finally awoken from denialist torpor and are yawning into…
Cruz reaches for JFK and the gloves come off as Democratic battle heats up
'Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy.' This statement from the election race of 1988 came to mind after Ted Cruz surprisingly sought to co-opt JFK to his cause over the weekend. Cruz,…
What are the odds of a Trump vs Sanders race to the White House?
Polling is a funny business. This New Yorker article by Jill Lepore traces how the modern opinion poll began, how its purpose has morphed, why polls get it wrong, and how…
A hawkish Hillary Clinton upsets friends and gets labelled 'Trumpian'
While various industries have waxed and waned in the US, the nation's undisputed lead in information technology remains a constant. Many countries have produced one, two, even…
GOP debate: A lot of sound and fury but short on practical foreign policies
So, what did we learn from the final GOP debate of the year? All of those on the podium for the main event had a plan to shut down ISIS. Just how practical these are is…