China-Australia Relations

What Australians think about America and China
What Australians think about America and China
In an opinion piece for the Jakarta Post, Lowy Institute Executive Director Michael Fullilove writes about Australian opinions on America and China.  Michael Fullilove
We see China and U.S. as central to our future
We see China and U.S. as central to our future
In an opinion piece in The Australian newspaper, Michael Fullilove and Alex Oliver describe Australians’ complex attitudes towards important foreign policy issues, and in…
Australia’s changing outlook on China: from strategic threat to strategic partner
Australia’s changing outlook on China: from strategic threat to strategic partner
Writing on cogitASIA, the blog of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC, Thawley Scholar Jack Georgieff writes on the current broadening…
Observations of Chinese investment in Australia
Observations of Chinese investment in Australia
Last night, the inaugural Lowy Institute-Rio Tinto China Fellow, Professor Zha Daojiong of Peking University, gave a lively presentation on Chinese investment in Australia…
Australia - China ties: in search of political trust
Policy Briefs
Australia - China ties: in search of political trust
Australia's political relationship with China is far less developed than its economic relationship. This is detrimental to Australia's interests because China is not merely an…