Global Economy

De-risking developing country debt
De-risking developing country debt
Climate change and debt present a toxic mix for many of the world’s most vulnerable developing countries. Disasters are becoming more frequent and severe. Yet many of the most…
Economic diplomacy: Hits and misses for Project Diversify
Economic diplomacy: Hits and misses for Project Diversify
Trading places Stabilisation has been word of the month in Australia’s international economic relations as the Albanese government has sought to unravel the remaining Chinese…
Why is Myanmar’s new deep-sea port such hot property?
Why is Myanmar’s new deep-sea port such hot property?
In Myanmar’s westernmost state of Rakhine, the small fishing village of Kyaukphyu has become the focus of a US$7.3 billion deep-water port development by Chinese state-owned…
Albanese is right to reject fossil fuel phaseouts
Albanese is right to reject fossil fuel phaseouts
Earlier this month, a group of 15 countries, known as the High Ambition Coalition, called on leaders at the COP28 Climate Summit to deliver an “urgent phaseout of coal-fired power…
The G20’s approach on debt has failed
The G20’s approach on debt has failed
A crisis that will set back many developing countries for decades has been brewing since the onset of the pandemic. The debt defaults began slowly in 2020 but are now speeding up;…
Australia needs to resource a merchant fleet
Australia needs to resource a merchant fleet
On Friday, DP World Australia, the company operating container terminals at four of Australia’s largest ports, was brought to its knees by a cyber-attack. The impact on the flow…
Economic diplomacy: Labor’s green security state rises
Economic diplomacy: Labor’s green security state rises
Tunnel vision Last Sunday inner city Sydney residents got their first chance to walk inside a 24-kilometre labyrinth of intersecting underground road junction tunnels, which is…
Private finance cannot lead the global response to climate change
Private finance cannot lead the global response to climate change
In response to the looming trillion-dollar global climate finance shortfall, a broad array of policymakers, international bureaucrats, environmentalists, and financial…
Ukraine’s energy fightback
Ukraine’s energy fightback
As the northern winter approaches, there are signs that Russia is again stepping up its bombing campaign targeting Ukrainian energy facilities. Beginning in October 2022 and…
Indonesia’s Just Energy Transition Partnership is a glass half full
Indonesia’s Just Energy Transition Partnership is a glass half full
Indonesia’s Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) was signed with well-meaning intentions to raise climate ambition by accelerating the energy sector’s transition to…