
The law when putting autonomous military platforms on a shopping list
The law when putting autonomous military platforms on a shopping list
The Australian Defence Force (ADF) does not currently deploy highly autonomous devices – whether weaponised or not. Existing devices tend to be remotely piloted and unarmed, or,…
Semiconductors: the skills shortage
Semiconductors: the skills shortage
Semiconductors are foundational to the digital revolution. A global chip shortage – accentuated by US-China tensions, Covid-19, extreme weather events, as well as industry…
Risks versus opportunities in national security thinking
Risks versus opportunities in national security thinking
National security thinkers follow a distinct pattern when they consider Australia’s future defence requirements. For most, the preferred point of view is risk-based. A policy…
The connectivity trade-off from social media misinformation
The connectivity trade-off from social media misinformation
Rumours and falsehoods on social media spread faster than the truth. A recent study conducted in the United States found evidence that polarising political content (such as left…
Xi Jinping reels in his tech titans
Xi Jinping reels in his tech titans
Private enterprise created China’s vaunted digital economy. But Big Brother is always in charge. Originally published in the Australian Financial Review.
Australia buying Digicel hits two birds with one stone
Australia buying Digicel hits two birds with one stone
On top of staving off a China telco monopoly, underwriting the purchase would show the government is putting big money on the table to get ‘blue chip’ companies to invest in the…
China’s forced invisibility of LGBTQ communities on social media
China’s forced invisibility of LGBTQ communities on social media
This week, Chinese multinational technology giant Tencent shut down hundreds of accounts on WeChat linked to LGBTQ groups. Suddenly millions of queer people in China were…
Staying ahead in global tech leadership
Staying ahead in global tech leadership
On the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party, President Xi Jinping reiterated the longstanding Chinese goal of strengthening science and technology to help achieve…
Hsinchu: Taiwan’s city at the centre of China’s conundrum
Hsinchu: Taiwan’s city at the centre of China’s conundrum
Centres of power such as Beijing, Washington and Taipei have generated most of the headlines as the Taiwan challenge gets ever hotter. But, while these cities clearly have plenty…
The authoritarian threat of Indonesia’s latest internet bill
The authoritarian threat of Indonesia’s latest internet bill
For years, Indonesia has been plagued by so-called “elastic laws” – a set of bills that can see a person indicted for violating poorly defined provisions, such as defaming an…