The Trump Presidency

Syria: A farewell to arms
Syria: A farewell to arms
Last week’s confirmation that the CIA-run program to vet and arm Syrian rebel groups in the north of the country was coming to an end was a tacit acknowledgement of the flaws in…
Trump in Warsaw, Hamburg and Paris
Trump in Warsaw, Hamburg and Paris
Trump divides. Most people are either staunchly against or for US President Donald Trump – if not the man, then what he supposedly stands for. As most commentators find…
Trump's Warsaw speech: Heed the message, not the messenger
Trump's Warsaw speech: Heed the message, not the messenger
Sometimes outwardly unrelated events in domestic and international politics come together in a way that suggests both are part of a single, bigger story. That was the impression I…
Trump’s slow adjustment to global trade realities
Trump’s slow adjustment to global trade realities
The most striking message of the Hamburg G20 leaders meeting is not that the US did not lead the discussion but that it clearly didn’t even wish to. President Trump is most…
Learning to live with a North Korean ICBM
Learning to live with a North Korean ICBM
Last week’s test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) by North Korea raises the time-honored question of East Asian international relations: what to do with a…
Trump's Indonesian business dealings: Taking the toll road
Trump's Indonesian business dealings: Taking the toll road
This week ABC’s Four Corners ran an exposé of US President Donald Trump’s business dealings in Indonesia. The investigative report featured the taking over of a toll road…
Trump and Southeast Asia: Going through the motions
Trump and Southeast Asia: Going through the motions
As isolationist and internationalist factions within the Trump Administration fought a battle for the soul of its foreign policy earlier this year, there were good reasons to…
Georgia's voters give Republicans a shot in the arm
Georgia's voters give Republicans a shot in the arm
Voters in Georgia’s 6th congressional district have just delivered a timely reminder that Americans are a long way away from deserting Donald Trump’s Republican Party.  For…
Trump's domestic standing and US foreign policy
Trump's domestic standing and US foreign policy
This week in Washington brought another instalment for the many hooked on the who-did-what-and-when investigations into the links between Russia and Donald Trump's presidential…
Comey’s testimony just the beginning
Comey’s testimony just the beginning
Within days of marking his 100th day in office, President Donald Trump heard the word ‘impeachment’ uttered on the floor of the House of Representatives, courtesy of Rep. Al Green…