Grace Stanhope
Research Associate, Southeast Asia Aid Map
Areas of expertise
Foreign aid, global development finance

News and media
Grace Stanhope is a Research Associate in the Lowy Institute’s Indo-Pacific Development Centre working on the Southeast Asia Aid Map, a tool that tracks and analyses foreign aid and development finance flows to Southeast Asia from 2015 onwards.
Grace joined the Lowy Institute from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute in 2023 and previously worked as a sub-editor in the Federal Parliamentary Press Gallery. She holds a Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics and a Bachelor of Development Studies from the Australian National University.

ASEAN’s new developmental divide
The admission of Timor-Leste will recall quarter-century-old unease about the development gap within the association.

Two steps up in Australia’s Southeast Asia engagement
The detail is starting to emerge for the government’s big ticket spending initiatives in the region.

The murky waters of Cambodia’s Funan Techo Canal
A 180-kilometre waterway to criss-cross the country, but who pays?

Pooled funds give Australia’s new humanitarian strategy a boost
Flexibility is essential when responding to a crisis – especially those far from home.

A new multilateral bank, not an American “Marshall Plan” alone, is the key to a clean energy future
The numbers don’t add up for the United States to make itself the global hub for green technology.

The case for an Indo-Pacific Economic Resilience Bank
The world faces a multi-trillion-dollar financing gap to reinvigorate stalling global development and create diversified green supply chains to enable a secure clean energy…

The tricky delivery of aid and access in conflicts and crises
Gaza is only the latest example of the logistical challenges in providing humanitarian relief.

Australia can't miss chance to strengthen south-east Asia ties
Originally published in The Canberra Times