Pitfalls of Papua: understanding the conflict and its place in Australia-Indonesia relations
This article is more than 17 years old

Pitfalls of Papua: understanding the conflict and its place in Australia-Indonesia relations

In Pitfalls of Papua: understanding the conflict and its place in Australia-Indonesia relations, Dr Rodd McGibbon calls on the Australian government to engage more actively in the public debate in Australia over the Papua conflict.

On this page

Executive Summary

This debate so far has been dominated by local supporters of West Papuan self-determination who seriously undersell the importance for Australian security interests of strong, stable relations with Indonesia.

By carefully examining the history of Papua's incomplete integration into Indonesia and its role in Australia-Indonesia relations, this Paper critically evaluates the claims of the West Papua constituency in Australia and provides new ways to support the development of Papua and of stronger Australia-Indonesia relations.

The Paper can be downloaded here.
