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Pacific Change Makers: Peter Kenilorea on Solomon Islands security and political challenges
Pacific Change Makers: Peter Kenilorea on Solomon Islands security and political challenges
In this episode of Pacific Change Makers, Solomon Islands MP Peter Kenilorea discusses his country’s political and security challenges with Pacific Islands Program Director Meg…
Conversations: Vietnam’s foreign policy outlook
Conversations: Vietnam’s foreign policy outlook
In this episode of Conversations, Susannah Patton, Director of the Lowy Institute’s Southeast Asia Program, talks with Dr Nguyen Hung Son, Vice President of the Diplomatic…
Conversations: Military Strategist Mick Ryan on Australia’s Defence Strategic Review
Conversations: Military Strategist Mick Ryan on Australia’s Defence Strategic Review
Military strategist Mick Ryan discusses Australia’s Defence Strategic Review with International Security Program Director Sam Roggeveen in this episode of Lowy Institute…
Shifting the Power: Making a difference through gender and climate activism
Shifting the Power: Making a difference through gender and climate activism
In this episode of Pacific Change Makers, Dr Meg Keen speaks with Sharon Bhagwan-Rolls in Suva, Fiji about social activism in the Pacific.