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For Xi, Putin’s invasion is a test run for Taiwan
For Xi, Putin’s invasion is a test run for Taiwan
Having learned from the collapse of Soviet Union, China may yet have to send its officials back to school to learn how not to put an empire back together again. Originally…
Put Southeast Asia at the centre of the UK’s Indo-Pacific Tilt
Put Southeast Asia at the centre of the UK’s Indo-Pacific Tilt
Written evidence by Ben Bland, Director of the Southeast Asia Program at the Lowy Institute, was submitted to the United Kingdom Parliament's Foreign Affairs…
Flexing US muscle over Ukraine best way to deter alpha male Vladimir Putin
Flexing US muscle over Ukraine best way to deter alpha male Vladimir Putin
Originally published in the Weekend Australian.
The missing anchor: Why the EU should join the CPTPP
Policy Briefs
The missing anchor: Why the EU should join the CPTPP
In the absence of the United States, consideration should be given to the European Union as a central player in an expanded Indo-Pacific trade accord.
The Director’s Chair: Dr Constanze Stelzenmüller on Angela Merkel’s life, career and legacy.
The Director’s Chair: Dr Constanze Stelzenmüller on Angela Merkel’s life, career and legacy.
In this episode of The Director’s Chair, Michael Fullilove speaks with the Brookings Institution scholar and Merkel-watcher Dr Constanze Stelzenmüller. Constanze holds the Fritz…
Lowy Institute Conversations: Lord Adair Turner on climate change diplomacy
Lowy Institute Conversations: Lord Adair Turner on climate change diplomacy
In this episode of Lowy Institute Conversations, director of the Lowy Institute's Power and Diplomacy Program Hervé Lemahieu talks with Lord Adair Turner, chair of the Energy…
What Europe needs to know about Xi Jinping
What Europe needs to know about Xi Jinping
The Chinese president has no rivals or likely successors and fervently believes in China’s unstoppable rise. Originally published in Politico.
COVIDcast: Tom Tugendhat on forging a “Global Britain” in the midst of Brexit and a pandemic
COVIDcast: Tom Tugendhat on forging a “Global Britain” in the midst of Brexit and a pandemic
In this episode of COVIDcast, Ben Bland, a research fellow at the Lowy Institute, sat down with Tom Tugendhat MP to discuss the UK’s COVID-19 crisis.
COVIDcast: Yanis Varoufakis on Europe and the future of capitalism
COVIDcast: Yanis Varoufakis on Europe and the future of capitalism
In this episode of COVIDcast, Lowy Institute Research Fellow Alexandre Dayant sat down with Professor Yanis Varoufakis to discuss Europe and the future of capitalism. Yanis is…