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Poll finds Abbott considered ‘weakest PM on foreign policy’
This article was originally published in The Australian.
Michael Fullilove , Alex Oliver

The Lowy Institute Poll 2016
The 2016 Lowy Institute Poll looks at Australians' reactions to a year of elections − the Australian election, the US presidential election and the selection of a new UN Secretary…

2016 Lowy Institute polling: Australian opinion on British exit from European Union
A majority of Australians think the United Kingdom should stay in the European Union, according to new Lowy Institute polling. In a decisive result, 51% of Australian adults…

2016 Lowy Institute polling: Majority of Australians favour a local build for next-generation submarines
Australians have strong views on where Australia’s next submarines should be built, with the latest Lowy Institute polling finding that 70% of Australian adults want the…

President Trump? We say no thanks to the Donald
Originally published in The Australian.Michael Fullilove

2016 Lowy Institute polling: Donald Trump polarises Australians
Almost half (45%) of Australian adults say that ‘Australia should distance itself from the United States if it elects a president like Donald Trump’. Photo: Flickr user Gage…

2015 Lowy Institute polling: Views on climate action ahead of United Nations climate negotiations in Paris
As the world begins negotiations at the Paris international climate negotiations next week, the majority of adult Australians (62%) say the Government should be prepared to make…

Time for a stronger U.S.-Australia alliance?
In the wake of a report from CSIS and ANU calling for a stronger US alliance refocused on the Asia Pacific, Alex Oliver examines the eleven years of Lowy Institute polling on…

Address by Peter Varghese AO - An Australian world view: A practitioner's perspective
On 20 August 2015, the Lowy Institute hosted an address from Peter Varghese AO, Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Mr Varghese presented his…

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