- 10 things to know about EU aid. Look out for number 8: five areas where development policy goes beyond aid. (h/t ODI.)
- 'Leaders fiddle while the world burns'. A candid interview with former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.
- Mapping development finance in Africa: the African Development Bank and AidData have launched 'MapAfrica', an interactive platform designed to increase the transparency of its projects.
- Continuing the aid vs cash theme from last week, an interesting conference video on the subject.
- Vietnam's future as a rice producer under threat due to climate change, says new IFAD project.
- Why China will fight for a global climate change deal.
- Lovely photo essay from UNDP India on the recent elections.
- Kirsty Sword Gusmao speaks to the Lowy Institute about the future of the Australia-Timor Leste relationship:
Aid & development links: Rice production, Kofi Annan, EU aid, MapAfrica and more
Published 26 May 2014
Follow @StephieDunstan