- Peter O’Neill has been returned for a second term as Papua New Guinea’s Prime Minister. No women have been elected into this Parliament.
- Despite coverage from the ABC and SBS, there has been limited international coverage of the elections in Papua New Guinea. Analysis of the challenges ahead has been run in the Economist and Australian Financial Review.
- Seventy-seven people, said to be suspects in a massive online fraud and gambling syndicate, have been rounded up in Fiji and flown to China.
- The Guardian has produced a controversial report on exploitation of Pacific seasonal workers in Australia.
- Stephen Howes has responded to the piece, highlighting exploitation as an industry-wide challenge and concluding seasonal workers are less exploited than other parts of the workforce.
- Solomon Islands is commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Guadalcanal. The Washington Post has a history of the conflict here.
- Devpolicy has an interesting piece of analysis on the ICRC’s response to managing tribal warfare in the PNG highlands.
- The Oceanic Nations Olympic Committee has produced this video in support of its work.
Pacific Links: PNG elections, seasonal worker exploitation, fraud in Fiji and more
This weeks links include PNG's election results, the exploitation of seasonal workers in Australia and managing tribal warfare in PNG's highlands.
Published 9 Aug 2017
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