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Russian denials and the Donald Trump paradox
Russian denials and the Donald Trump paradox
Originally published in the Australian Financial Review. Bobo Lo
Can Russia afford to be a great power?
Can Russia afford to be a great power?
While Russia wants to be recognised as a great power, and has sufficient economic power and potential to encourage it to behave accordingly, there are economic limits to its…
European politics: The young centrists strike back
European politics: The young centrists strike back
Originally published in the Australian Financial Review. Hervé Lemahieu
China-Russia relationship key to the emerging world order
China-Russia relationship key to the emerging world order
Originally published in The Australian on 1 April 2017. Bobo Lo's Lowy Institute Paper A Wary Embrace: What the China–Russia relationship means for the world is now…
Lesson in Asia crisis for unworkable Greek bailout solution
Lesson in Asia crisis for unworkable Greek bailout solution
Lesson in Asia crisis for unworkable Greek bailout solutionLeon BerkelmansAustralian Financial Review20 July 2015Click here for the online text.Leon Berkelmans
It's time for Greece to take charge of its own financial crisis
It's time for Greece to take charge of its own financial crisis
It's time for Greece to take charge of its own financial crisisStephen GrenvilleThe Australian Financial Review4 June 2015Click here for the online text.Stephen Grenville
The 2014 Lowy Lecture: Dr Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany
The 2014 Lowy Lecture: Dr Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany
On Monday, 17 November 2014, Her Excellency Dr Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, delivered the annual Lowy Lecture at the…