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Data Snapshot
China versus America on global trade
The return of President Donald Trump to the White House means another trade war between the United States and China looks increasingly likely, with the rest of the world caught in…

Brazil's 2024 G20 Summit: Right Agenda, Little Consensus
This article first appeared in the Council of Council's Global Perspectives, 26 November 2024.

The case for an Indo-Pacific Economic Resilience Bank
The world faces a multi-trillion-dollar financing gap to reinvigorate stalling global development and create diversified green supply chains to enable a secure clean energy…

Data Snapshot
Constrained Recovery: Global Shocks and Emerging Southeast Asia
How growth and development in Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam have been reshaped by the Covid-19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Asia Power Snapshot: China and the United States in Southeast Asia
China is more influential than the United States in a number of measures in Southeast Asia and has increased its lead over the past five years.

A super-profits tax on resources could repair budget
Originally published in The Australian.

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