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America and Australia Are Back on the Same Page
How Biden Revived the Alliance. Originally published in Foreign Affairs.

Australian intelligence should not be used for political goals. The US is still recovering from Trump doing just that
The political consensus on China is a dead end. Australia should harness political debate to produce smarter policies. Originally published in The Guardian.

Lowy Institute Papers
Morrison's Mission: How a beginner reshaped Australian foreign policy
The story of Prime Minister Scott Morrison's foreign policy convictions and calculations.

More future than past in UK connection
The comfort blanket of shared history obscures the fact that Britain and Australia have many complementary assets to offer in their relations with the rest of the Indo-Pacific…

Australian election 2022: Big businesses, small productivity gains
Originally published in The Canberra Times.

Managing Asia’s bipolar disorder
US standing is up, China has been dragged down and middle nations have seen a steady decline in their influence, according to the latest Lowy Institute Asia Power Index…

COP26 and beyond: fault lines in global climate policy
In this episode, Lowy Institute lead economist Roland Rajah is joined by Dr Vijaya Ramachandran and Dr Sam Geall to discuss the outcomes from the COP26 Glasgow Climate Change…

The Indo-Pacific Operating System: How can America shore up the regional order?
Five essays from experts from, or based in, Southeast Asia provide a sense of the region’s complexity and the nuance with which any effort to shore up – or rebuild – regional…

The Director’s Chair: Penny Wong on politics, China, and the job of Foreign Minister
In this episode of The Director’s Chair, Michael Fullilove speaks with Senator Penny Wong, the Shadow Foreign Minister and Leader of the Opposition in the Senate.

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