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What are five flashpoints and world trends to watch?
What are five flashpoints and world trends to watch?
This interview was originally published by Felicity Lewis, national explainer editor at The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, in the mastheads' weekly Explainer newsletters.
Australia can't miss chance to strengthen south-east Asia ties
Australia can't miss chance to strengthen south-east Asia ties
Originally published in The Canberra Times
The smarter way to exploit China’s technical expertise
The smarter way to exploit China’s technical expertise
Originally published in the Financial Review
US allies are already worried about another round of Trump
US allies are already worried about another round of Trump
Originally published in The Atlantic.
Man v machine: Future of war not all drones and AI, soldiers still matter
Man v machine: Future of war not all drones and AI, soldiers still matter
Originally published on the United States Institute of Peace 
The truth about Russia’s turtle tanks
The truth about Russia’s turtle tanks
Originally published in The Telegraph
International partners fall short in supporting Southeast Asia energy transition
International partners fall short in supporting Southeast Asia energy transition
Promises of climate-related finance not being met.Originally published in The Straits Times.